Reviews of the Best Cat Repellents

Top 10 Cat Repellents For Range

If you have a small garden, any of the cat repellents we have reviewed will give you adequate cover and activate whenever a cat wanders into your garden. If you have a medium to large garden however, you will be looking for a cat repellent that has greater range, or perhaps you can place more than one cat repellent device around the garden, strategically placed for maximum effect. In this cat repellent review I thought we’d take a closer look at which ultrasonic cat repellers had the greatest range to help owners of medium to large gardens have success at keeping cats out of their garden.

Understanding the Specifications

The range of a ultrasonic cat repellent is dictated by two specifications, the distance the detector can detect movement at, and the angle of the sensor. The wider the angle and the greater the range the better the device will be at picking up movement of cats.

Ultrasonic Cat RepellentImageTypeRange (feet)AngleSq.feet
Bird-X YG Yard GardUltrasonic351204000
Garden Creations JB5028 Ultrasonic301305000
Contech CatStop Ultrasonic2080280
Yard Sentinel Ultrasonic301305000
Havahart 5266 Spray AwayWater351001900
Havahart Spray Away Elite II Water351001900
Guardener A201 2.0Water251702000
Orbit Motion Activated SprinklerWater351202000
Contech CRO101 ScarecrowWater20801200

* Figures are indicative only. Click on the arrows at the top to sort the columns.

As you can see, water repellents do not have the same range as an ultrasonic device, however they are some of the most effective as cats hate getting wet. If you have a small garden, then the water devices would be a good option for you. If your garden is medium or large consider using one or two ultrasonic repellents to keep the cats out.