Reviews of the Best Cat Repellents

Cat Repellent Recommendations for Summer 2016

With the gardening months approaching, I thought now was a good time for a fresh look at the range of  cat repellent available for this summer season. With the better weather approaching, many gardeners will be looking out at their gardens and planning the improvements they would like to make to their garden for 2016.

Like me, you may already have seen cats already making use of your garden,  spraying plants with their scent and scaring birds away.  Of course I have no-one to blame but myself because currently I have no ultrasonic cat repellents in my garden! Why? Because they got stolen! Just like my nice garden bench that I made 2 years ago, the cat ultrasonic cat repellent has been lifted from my garden by someone with apparently  a better use for it!

While this is extremely frustrating, I do have the comfort of knowing that for just a little outlay, I can once again protect my garden from the horrible smell and unhygienic problems that cats can leave behind. So the question is, which cat repellent will I buy for my own garden this time? Do I buy the same one I had last time (Yard Sentinel), or do I go for something different, perhaps an environmentally friendly solar powered cat repellent?

If this is the same question you are struggling with, check out this table showing the elite of the elite in cat repellents. Each one of these products WORKS and WILL deter cats from coming into your garden, but they all have their own advantages depending on your priorities; are you looking for cheap, easy to install, loads of features, or just something that comes with a lot of recommendations? I hope this table helps, please leave a comment below on your selection, and why you chose that particular cat repellent!

Cat Scram


  • 15ft range
  • Indoors
  • Battery
  • Top Rated
  • Adaptor

Yard Sentinel


  • 5000 Sq/f
  • Pwr Saving
  • Adj. Freq.
  • Features
  • Not for Deer



  • 1000 Sq/f
  • 2yr warranty
  • Battery
  • Effective
  • Adaptor



  • 15ft range
  • +water
  • solar
  • Top Rated
  • Hose Reqd

Each of these is a viable solution to keep cats out of your garden. If money is no object, definitely look at the GUARDENER, if you want to go with the crowd then go for the every popular CAT SCRAM. Whichever device you choose, you can be sure cat muck and uninvited guests will be a thing of the past!