recent product reviews
Hoont Cobra Upgraded Sprinkler Cat Repeller
The Hoont Cobra just jumped straight to our #1 favorite cat repeller – it works and it is inexpensive!
Buy Now ReviewChristmas Tree Cat Defender
A cat proof Christmas tree is a safe Christmas tree for your pets, thankfully the “How to keep cats out of Christmas tree” problem has been solved this year!
Buy Now ReviewCat Attract
Cat attract is designed by professionals to solve issues when cats are reluctant to use their litter tray. 100% guarantee.
Buy Now ReviewSSSCAT Cat Training Aid
ssscat is the number 1 best selling indoor cat repellent spray, watch our video review to see exactly why…
Buy Now ReviewX-Mat Foldable Training Mat for cats
This mat is especially attractive to cat owners who do not wish to use an electric mat to keep their cats off surfaces or out of indoor areas, as this mat does not cause pain or suffering, only mild discomfort for a short period of time.
Buy Now ReviewFrostfire Solar Powered Ultrasonic Cat Repeller
Unique USB charging and an inexpensive entry level price point make the Frostfire a top selling ultrasonic cat repellent.
Buy Now ReviewBird-X Yard Gard Electronic Pest Repeller
Yard Gard is a top seller, read our review to see why. Our Yard Gard review includes video clips and the full instruction manual.
Buy Now ReviewGarden Creations JB5028 Ultrasonic Cordless Pest Repeller
Absolutely tearing up the Amazon charts for cat repellers this year and currently on sale for half price!
Buy Now Review9V AC adapter for CatScram cat repellent
Turn Catscram into a plug-in and forget cat deterrent that will keep cats out of your garden no problem at all.
Buy Now ReviewYard Sentinel – Electronic Cat Repeller with Motion Sensor
Yard Sentinel is an extremely versatile and powerful unit that will rid gardens of more problems that just feline ones! Cats will hate the random noise emitted by the Yard Sentinel and stop visiting your garden. This is the most popular cat repellent we have recommended.
Buy Now ReviewCatscram Electronic Cat Repellent
Catscram is an extremely effective solution for indoor applications, keep cats out of rooms with the best cat repellent for indoors!
Buy Now ReviewOrange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent
Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent is an chemical free inexpensive solution to keep cats out of your garden. If you want to try a quick and cheap solution to keep cats away, this is it.
Buy Now ReviewHavahart 5266 Spray Away Motion Activated Sprinkler Animal Repellent 2.0
The Havahart 5266 Sprinkler Cat Repellent we are reviewing here is the improved version 2. If you are looking for a low cost device that uses water jets, this is probably one of your best options.
Buy Now ReviewHavahart Spray Away Elite II Hose-Free Motion Activated Sprinkler Cat Repellent
Havahart Spray Away Elite II Hose-Free Motion Activated Sprinkler Animal Repellent, it’s a bot of a mouthful, but it’s important to get out there exactly how good this cat repellent is.
Buy Now ReviewGuardener A201 2.0
The unique selling point of the Guardener 2.0 Animal Repellent lies in it’s dual function repeller technology with solar power charging, and hose free operation. This offers gardens the maximum of protection from cats with the least fuss setting it up. With adjustable features and no need for a hose connection, this is a great gadget for keeping cats out of the garden.
Buy Now ReviewOrbit Motion Activated Sprinkler Garden Enforcer
This motion activated sprinkler is mounted on a tripod and is effective against all types of animal intruder including cats. With a 40 foot range and three different methods to scare cats out of your garden, this is a very effecting cat repellent. Sound, motion, and a sudden squirt of water scare cats away easily.
Buy Now ReviewContech CatStop Ultrasonic Outdoor Cat Deterrent
The Contech CatStop Ultrasonic Cat Deterrent is one of the most popular ultrasonic cat deterrents on the market. With a very easy and quick installation this product will protect your garden in minutes. Cats cannot stand the “silent to humans” ultrasonic noise and quickly move on.
Buy Now ReviewShake Away Granules
Shake-Away is an organic plant safe granule that spreads an odor that signals danger to cats – the smell of a predator. Chemical cat deterrents such as thus are popular as they are inexpensive, however they do have drawbacks; they can be affected by severe weather, and are not generally recommended where family pets or children play.
Buy Now ReviewContech CRO101 Scarecrow Motion Activated Sprinkler
The Contech Scarecrow Motion Activated Sprinkler is the daddy of all cat repellers and perfect for protecting your garden from cats. It’s eco friendly as it is solar powered, and additional panels mean that you can hide this cat repellent anywhere, even in the shade, and it can still work at keeping your garden free of cats day and night.
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