Reviews of the Best Cat Repellents

Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent

Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent

  • Effectiveness
  • Features
  • Value for Money

Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent is one of the most inexpensive solutions to keep cats out of your garden. The main advantage of this particular concentrate is the absence of harmful chemicals, so if you want to try a quick and cheap solution to keeping cats out of your garden, this could be the product for you. If you are prepared to spend a little more on a long term and guaranteed solution, remember to check out our water jet cat repellent reviews.


How Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent repels cats

This product is produced from orange citrus peel, the raw oil being extracted by a cold process to minimize any change to the natural properties of the oil. This product is usually advertised as a solution to insect problems in the garden, however it is also used to keep cats away.



Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent Feature list

Here’s the features list for this model.

  • 1 Quart Concentrate
  • Cold Pressed Orange Peel Extract
  • Natural
  • Biodegradable
  • Multiple Uses in addition to cat repellent


Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent Images

Advantages of the Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent

  • Inexpensive
  • Natural


  • Requires frequent application
  • Affected by weather

Tips for Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent

Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent is also a great cleaner and a great insecticide, there are lots of great reports on just how multi-purpose this oil is.


Orange Oil Concentrate is a great cleaner and a good insecticide. As a cat repellent we are not so sure however; the results from customers are mixed and our own testing was hit or miss. Because it is a spray, its effect is limited by weather conditions.

We would only recommend this product if you also happened to be looking for a good safe multi-purpose cleaner!

For alternative practical advice please see our advice on how to keep stray cats away.


Customer Reviews for Orange Oil Concentrate Cat Repellent

<b>Linda</b> from
We have had a problem with stray cats in our area, driving my dog nuts. I heard that cats do not like the smell of citrus, particularly oranges. I sprayed the diluted orange around the fenceline, patio, porch and the mulch that they had been digging/burying in. They have stayed away for a couple of weeks now.
<b>kandoro</b> from
…sometimes strays show up outside and decide to mark around the doors. So far this has stopped them as well. Who would have guessed?
<b>Guam</b> from
After a month’s use, I see that it appears to be working. It is heavily concentrated so I dilute it, and put it into a spray bottle.


  1. How much should the product be diluted for use in a spray bottle to repel cats?

  2. Hi Kathy

    The dilution depends on the use. If you are spraying on hard surfaces or plants, then only 2 ounces per gallon of water is required, so it goes a long way. If you are spraying areas of soil you’ll want to double that up to 4 ounces per gallon of water.

  3. Hi I’m Niki. I’m looking for a good outdoor repellent for stray cats. I’ve built a catio and strays keep coming near it and marking on his cage and then my cat marks back. I don’t want to deter my cat from going outside, but want to deter the others from coming near. I’ve been looking at some indoor ones as well, because my cat is now choosing to mark my front door (saying it’s his house) to the others. I think the cat scram will work best in this situation
    Any advice?

    • Hi Niki

      I think this is one of the most difficult cat problems to solve, keeping stray cats away without it affecting your own cat. This is doubly important with a catio obviously – as you don’t want feral cats moving in and evicting your own cat!

      I did a bit of research as I have never come across this before, but I came up totally blank – somebody really needs to come up with a solution for catios! I was thinking there must be an electronic key device that would go on a cat collar to unlock the catio, but I could not find such a thing.

      Ultrasonic cat repellents are great for keeping cats away, but they do not distinguish between a pet cat and a stray or feral cat 🙁

      I am a bit stumped with this one, please do come back and tell us how you got on, and good luck!

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